It is ever present in today's society of a growing ignorance to each other, life, and politics. Within a continued
state of ignorance we risk losing all freedoms and choices with which we take for granted daily. It is in these reasons
that "The Essential Turn" has begun.
The Essential Turn is a grassroots organization designed to establish an awareness of issues, stances,and truth by
which this country hinges upon. It is my goal to install truth back into America and her members, without this
installation we risk an America whose borders are open, absolute disregard for life, and a complete
lack of American pride. The world is ever-changing and requires attention to stay with current affairs, but without
the proper knowledge a true descision cannot be made. The power rest in your hands America, and today is your
day, let us not linger one more day.
The Essential Turn is here to awaken the possibilities for the Red, White, and Blue. We intend to enlighten and
enthuse the people to take pride in this great country.
We believe in God, America, and the power of people. As the name states America must awaken and take the essential
turn. With knowledge and understanding, compassion and an unrelentless faith we will conquer her with a sense of
The Essential Letter